The “Equestrian Educational Network“ (EEN) was formed in 1999 in Strömsholm, Sweden, as an informal network for the most prestigious National equestrian centres in Europe. In 2011 the members accepted these statutes as the basis for their collaboration.
The EEN is an international network organisation which is open to recognised national equine centres in Europe. Its purpose is to improve equestrian education by facilitating collaboration and exchange of information about current methods and new developments in equestrian education. Activities include:
Promotion and internationalisation of equestrian education including horse care and management in Europe and worldwide.
Developing equestrian education in co-operation with for instance the FEI, the European Federation, the National Equestrian Federations, IGEQ and other organisation related to horse business. Action: Check the word “horse business” in English with a native person.
Facilitating the exchange of students and teachers between the members of the EEN.
Making equestrian educational systems more comparable to facilitate students to move between institutions in different countries.
Sharing information and experiences in all fields of equestrian education for example in horse sport, horse care and management and science..
Selecting and nominating candidates, from within its constituent organisations, to participate in relevant official organisations.
Participation in the decision making process of official organisations in matters which directly affect the interests of EEN members and particularly in the area of equestrian education.
Discussions with the official organisations on subjects of a general character which concern all EEN members.
In as far as possible, the EEN members and the Management Team will strive to achieve recognition for the EEN throughout the equestrian world.